
Secret Room

written by Adzu at 10/22/2009
You're gentler 
Than you were yesterday 
Which makes me insecure, once again
That's definitely because 
You have a guilty secret 
To hide from me

As if nothing had happened 
Embrace me
That unfamiliar scent 
Left behind at the back of your neck

If you're going lie 
Deceive me skilfully
Even so, my love won't go away
Had I still just remained in love with love 
I could have easily said goodbye, but 1
My heart 
Still believes in you

As we lie back to back 
In our sleep 
You call out someone else's name
Looking over your shoulder 
Tracing your finger over me 
You call my name 
Over and over again

If only I could just peek 
Into the depths of your heart
I want to know… 
And yet I don't want to know 
That secret room

"Don't leave me alone 
Look only at me"
I can't say it because my love's in the way
Had I still just remained in love with love 
I would have chosen goodbye, but
I can't love anyone else 
But you

If you're going to lie 
Deceive me skilfully
Even so, my love won't go away
Had I still just remained in love with love 
I could have easily said goodbye

"Don't leave me alone 
Look only at me"
I can't say it because my love's in the way
Had I still just remained in love with love 
I would have chosen goodbye, but
My heart 
Still believes in you...

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