

written by Adzu at 9/30/2009 0 (・θ・)

Heya again
Da am chef de postat aiurea sau nu insa am chef sa fac asta.
Am fost in camera lui Aoi,este dragut nee?
Imi place in camera lui pentru ca este curat [nu ca la mine] si ma bucur ca sunt singura adica de obicei e mai plin insa acum este frumos si linistit.
L-am vazut pe あおいあおいあおいしらたま氏 intrand inainte in camera ^^ a fost kawaii

--- S a i y u k iのお部屋へ移動しました
--- SCREW 鋲のお部屋へ移動しました
--- あおいのお部屋へ移動しました
(20:38) S a i y u k i: hello
(20:38) あおい: hello
(20:39) あおい: ....
(20:39) S a i y u k i: how are you doing?
(20:40) あおい: fine thanks ^_^
(20:40) S a i y u k i: I'm happy to hear this
(20:40) あおい: ok
(20:41) あおい: I go ... good night
(20:41) S a i y u k i: sure bye bye
(20:41) あおい: bye

Awww he's so kawaii ^^
Well cam atat astazi...este prima data cand vorebesc cu el...a fost foarte dragut
well that's all

Bye Bye
- End -

Wハート S a i y u k i Wハート

ScReW Members Comment

written by Adzu at 9/30/2009 0 (・θ・)


I’m sorry for the unexpected and surprising announcement.
I have decided that I will be leaving SCREW.
The reasons behind my decision are musical differences, and also because there is a gap between the band’s direction, and my own.
I discussed it with the members numerous times, but for the sake of both SCREW and myself, this is the solution that we have decided on.
To all the fans that have been supporting me, and to all those connected to the band that I’m indebted to, I can’t put into words how truly, truly grateful I am.
I’m sorry that things came to this, and I’m sorry for causing you to feel disappointed.
Being absorbed with playing the bass in SCREW, I’ve made a lot of memories which have become a great part of my life. With this force, I will continue to move forward.
I also feel that SCREW will continue to progress even more than we are now.
Even though we are going down different paths, we will each be doing our best down those respective roads, and therefore I will be happy if the fans will continue to support us.
For everything thus far, I truly thank you.


I’m sorry for causing confusion with the abrupt announcement.
It’s not something that came about instantly, but after thinking, and thinking and thinking, this is the solution that we have arrived at.
It’s not that disbanding didn’t cross my mind, however, I feel that for all the fans who encourage us, and for all the people that support us, and most of all for myself personally, SCREW is not yet over.
I want to enjoy the few lives we have left with the five of us as best we can.
This is not something negative, but instead is us facing-foward, so I want you to keep watching warmly over us.
Finally, thank you for always supporting SCREW.


As mentioned on our HP, Yuuto has decided to leave SCREW.
I’m sure there are those who feel confused, unhappy and have lost trust in us with this abrupt announcement.
It’s not something that’s simple to accept, but we feel that for the sake of all of us truly advancing, this is the path we must take.
The time that the five of us have spent together in SCREW, is a fortune that money can’t buy, and honestly, I have grown from it.
Even though we will be taking different paths, our feelings on our progress this far is the same.
For that reason, until it’s the end of the five of us in SCREW, and also as we go down different paths, please continue to support us.


I’m truly sorry for the sudden announcement.
I’ve been in the band believing that SCREW is SCREW with all five of us.
Therefore, at the beginning, I couldn’t accept that Yuuto was going to leave, and I felt like I would give just about anything (to have him stay). However, However, I’ve come to realize that I have a new respect for the future of this important friend in which we’ve taken care of each other, and shared in both happiness and sorrow.
Thinking about how all the fans who support us must feel, is very painful. This decision, according to both Yuuto and SCREW, is something that we think is positive and constructive.
And with this as our answer, SCREW has made a fresh decision to push forward.
I hope that all of our fans can understand. Somehow or another, I want you to believe in us.


Since SCREW’s formation, my friend Yuuto, who I have supported and been supported by, who I’ve laughed with, made songs and performed lives with, has decided to leave the band.
When I said friend, I meant family.
Yuuto leaving is a result of many discussions with the members, and the biggest reasons are musical differences in SCREW’s future direction, and differences in opinions. Of course it’s not something that you can feel simply about.
I think that all of the fans have been very, very shocked. I think that it’s hard for you to immediately understand it. And there has been some discourtesy as well, but this decision is because of the friendship between Yuuto and the four of us.
In reality, it’s hard to accept, but honestly we’ve decided to face this with a positive attitude, and I hope that you can continue to support both Yuuto and SCREW.
As far as Yuuto’s last days in SCREW go, please watch him until the very end. SCREW will continue to be an important part of both the fans lives, and Yuuto’s life.
Yuuchan, for everything, honestly and truly, thank you.


I hate this

written by Adzu at 9/29/2009 0 (・θ・)
キラキラMoodキラキラ しょぼん m(_ _ )m
音譜Music音譜 ScReW - Gather Roses
キラキラ Internetキラキラ Ameblo, Yuuto's Blog, AnimeH., Pigg[u]
キラキラMessengerキラキラ nothing
" Life, do you hate me nee? "

Oh da de parca nu era destul de rau, acum e si mai rau しょぼんしょぼん
Imi pare foarte rau si nici nu ma pot gandi cat de multa dreptate are, mi-e ciuda sa recunosc si imi e greu sa fac asta, poate cu ura o fac dar a avut mereu dreptate. [ei bine da el e geniu si eu nu sunt nimic altceva decat o umbra a ceva ce a fost candva important m(_ _ )m]
Nici acum nu pot sa cred ca Yuuto pleaca, adica de ce? ma intreb inca oare de ce?しょぼん de ce face asta chiar nu inteleg asa de bine.

To all the fans who have been supporting SCREW,

We truly thank you for always supporting SCREW. The members have an important announcement for everyone.
Even though he’s been our bassist since the beginning of our activities, Yuuto will be leaving the band on December 31st, 2009.

We had countless discussions regarding his decision, and in the end this was the result that was reached. We deeply apologize to all of our fans.

However, after his departure both SCREW and Yuuto will be walking down fresh paths, and with that conclusion, we won’t be looking back. The five of us feel that this is a positive solution, so we hope that you can understand.

There are only a few lives remaining with Yuuto as part of the band, but we hope that you can cheer the five of us on until the very end.

PS COMPANY Co,.Ltd. / Indie PSC.
Imi pare rau de el pentru ca de la o vreme si cu ajutorul lui onee-chan am inceput sa ma atasez de el chiar foarte tare; nu imi vine sa cred ca pleaca, nu vad rostul なきがお
Fara el ScReW nu va mai fi la fel niciodata dar NICIODATA oricine ar veni in locul lui nu cred ca va fi la fel de bun, sau poate ca va fi dar mereu in inima mea Yuuto va avea un loc special si pentru mine nimeni nu il va inlocui.
Sunt nervoasa si suparata pe el dar stiu ca nu are nici o vina; ca o fana a lui trebuie sa fiu alaturi de el la fel ca restul fanilor si sa il sustinem.
Chiar daca se zice ca nimeni nu e de neinlocuit ei bine stau aici si contrazic acest lucru, el era unic, era talentat si este inca pentru ca nu vreau sa vorbesc la trecut despre el.
Va fi mereu si este acel Yuuto pe care il stiu eu (=⌒▽⌒=) orice s-ar intampla si oriunde ar fi el. [cel putin asta a zis el in acel mail pentru Airi]

Sper ca formatia sa fie la fel de buna in continuare si chiar daca Yuuto a plecat sper ca ei sa nu se desparta sau mai stiu eu ce. Stiu ca nu vor face asta asa ca ma simt bine (=⌒▽⌒=)
Totusi...sper ca Yuuto sa isi gaseasca o formatie noua sau sa puna el bazele uneia si sa continuie in muzica pentru ca e foarte talentat (´∀`)つ■

Eu oricum voi ramane un fana si a lui si al formatiei.
Oricum sa nu fiu asa de tragica, mai este pana in 31 septembrie asa ca pana atunci sa ne mai bucuram toti de el.
Apoi sper sa fie bine si sa isi faca o alta formatie si asa sa continuie mereu...

- End -

Wハート S a i y u k i Wハート

School time

written by Adzu at 9/29/2009 0 (・θ・)
キラキラMoodキラキラ (*´・ω・`)
音譜Music音譜 Ayabie - Nanairo no sora no octave
キラキラInternetキラキラ Ameblo, AnimeHeaven, Pigg[u]
キラキラMessengerキラキラ nothing
"I r r e l e v a n t (-_-メ"

Acasa.Nici nu mi-am, dat seama pana acum ca de la scoala pana la mine acasa este un drum asa de lung. Este ciudat (´-ω-`)
Ieri nu am postat.Nu am fost acasa si chiar daca as fi fost nu as fi avut timp pentru asta 得意げ

Am reusit ca prin minune sa ma racesc , da stiu sunt o experta cand vine vorba de asta insa acum chiar nu a fost vina mea, ci a fost vina lui Marius (-_-メ
[Marius om rau ce esti えっ]
Am fost la mama si am dormit acolo ca sa mai scap cateva ore macar de el, [si eu care ma gandeam ca va fi bine, si care eram exagerat de entuziasmata ca vom locui amandoi (@ ̄Д ̄@;)]
Mi-am facut tema la mate si la fizica >>' am mai zis ca nu imi place fizica? Daca nu am mai zis asta o zic acum imi vine sa fug cand aud de ea ((((((ノ゚⊿゚)ノ

La scoala de dimineata de la 6.Oameni astia cu siguranta vor sa ne omoare *death*
Am avut azi numai 7 ore cea ce e bine (=⌒▽⌒=)ヾ
* Psihologie: da da imi vine sa adorm cand aud de ea, chiar daca imi placea aceasta stiinta foarte mult,profesoara ma cam calca pe nervi si cand face asta devin foarte nu stiu exact cum sa zic, agitata si nu o mai suport (-_-メ
* Matematica: da acei nesuferiti logaritmi >>' imi fac viata un chin chiar daca nu sunt asa de greu de invatat [la mine leanea e mare]
* Ed. Antreprenoriala: da da cum se zice sigur nu stiu OO. Nu am facut mai nimic in afara de a sta si a ne uita unu la altu...
* Engleza: profesoara asta noua este paralela cu anegleza din toate punctele de vedere, la ea clasicul "both" suna "bof" si multe altele pe care nu le mai tin minte asa exact. Are un accent oribil >>' imi vine sa ma urc pe pereti cand o aud.
* 2 ore informatica: da am dat test si nu a fost asa de greu pe cum ma asteptam, imi pare rau insa ca nu am facut ultima problema, o stiam dar m-am grabit >>'
Oricum cred ca voi lua o nota buna (‐^▽^‐)

- End -

Bye Bye~
Wハート S a i y u k i Wハート



written by Adzu at 9/28/2009 0 (・θ・)
キラキラMoodキラキラ (*´・ω・`)
音譜Music音譜 Ayabie - Secret Room
キラキラInternetキラキラ Ameblo, Pigg[u]
キラキラMessengerキラキラ onee-chan

Ocupatia mea de astazi si de ieri au fost hartile ^^ sunt dragute
Le-am facut o poza insa nu stiu eu cat de bine se vede...

Sunt hartile tuturor continenteleor, apoi trebuia sa trec capitalele si tarile care sunt pe aceste continente ^^
Sper ca maine sa primesc o nota buna.

Creatura aceasta care este un iepuras este prietenul meu, il am de sambata trecuta si imi place foarte mult ^^.
M-am atasat mult de el si cu toate astea inca nu are un nume [avand in vedere obsesia mea pe "Cronicile Vampirilor" cred ca stiu ce nume va avea ラブラブ!]

Da un portofel cu Pucca si cu Garu
Sunt kawaii nee?
Mie nu mi-au palcut asa de mult niciodata dar aici sunt kawaii asa ca nu am rezistat sa nu imi cumpar si eu unul アップアップ

Wハート S a i y u k i Wハート

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